27 Questions If You Struggle With Feeling Inadequate
1 What is your first memory of feeling inadequate? How far back does this go?
2 If you visited that moment and witnessed yourself through the eyes of unconditional love, what would that reveal?
3 When you feel inadequate, what does that feel like in your body?
4 What cultural contexts and systemic factors have shaped your experience of yourself?
5 How did the school system impact your development of an inadequacy narrative?
6 How did media and cultural norms around wealth and beauty impact your development of an inadequacy narrative?
7 How have racism, ableism, gender oppression, and capitalism made you feel inadequate?
8 What systems and hierarchies of power benefit from you feeling inadequate?
9 What has having an inadequacy narrative meant for your life? How has it shaped the choices you've made and your experience of living?
10 How might you grieve the suffering caused by believing there is something wrong with you?
11 What is the truth of who you are? Beyond binaries of good or bad, who are you?
12 If you didn't have to banish your inner critic, how might you relate to it with acceptance for its attempts to protect you?
13 How might you shift the dynamic on your inner council so you are lovingly relating to your inner critic instead of battling it or identifying with every statement it shares as truth?
14 Can you see that your inner critic is a part of you but not all of you?
15 What if your inner critic is a reflection of your nervous system & inner child's needs?
16 What needs for self-acceptance, safety, survival, belonging, and community are underneath your self criticism and attempts to "be good"?
17 How would you relate to yourself if binary self assessments of good and bad were no longer relevant? How would you like it to be?
18 What do you value more than a rigid idea of perfection or success?
19 How can you make space for your messiness and range and needs to be loved? How can you offer yourself grace in the midst of your challenges?
20 What would support you in rooting into a belief that you are whole?
21 What would you say to a child who believes they are inadequate? A friend?
22 What if every time your inner critic narrated harsh criticism at you, your soul was crossing those words out and telling a deeper, truer, more loving story of your life?
23 What truth would the loving narrator of your soul share about who you really are?
24 What art can you create that visualizes feeling inadequate?
25 What art can you create that visualizes knowing your wholeness?
26 What ritual or practice could you create to deepen your knowing that all your parts are welcome?
27 What beautiful possibilities might bloom as you water these seeds of knowing your wholeness?