The Largest Project I’ve Ever Completed
As I wrap up the largest project I’ve ever taken on, I’m so proud of myself for all the focus, dedication, and commitment it took to see this project through. The videos for the National Alliance of Trauma Recovery Centers - seven training videos around 45 minutes each (packed with stories, animation, and b-roll) and a 15-minute overview video - are a dynamic body of work on how to build a comprehensive, therapeutic support system for survivors of interpersonal violence - especially focused on serving people most harmed by systems of oppression.
Last week, I looked at the pre-production documents I had created for this project over a year ago. Just getting to the point of being ready to interview over 30 people took a level of coordination and forethought that resulted in two bound books of pre-production documents. Then, interviewing 30 people. Then, organizing the footage and weaving together each of the 8 videos. Creating a chorus of voices that can build meaning together. Creating animated graphics for each concept. Getting in the mind of the audience and figuring out how to build their understanding step by step. Adding b-roll, music, subtitles. Working on flow and pacing. Then, 24 rounds of revisions across all the videos. Every step of this process took a willingness to focus on the next step and not get overwhelmed by the whole.
As I edited the final video this past week, I teared up. The messages in the video align so deeply with what I believe. This year has been an intense year of grief. In the midst of losing my Uncle Joe, having another loved one die, and witnessing the genocide in Palestine, this project has been a powerful way to channel my grief and fight for a world that takes care of people harmed by violence.
In the aftermath of the violence that I’ve lived through in my life, the healing journey was mysterious and often lonely. In listening to the stories of these trauma recovery therapists and advocates, I’ve learned from their wisdom and experience. Working on this was an expression of how I’ve turned my pain into power. It’s using what I’ve learned and experienced about what survivors need in the aftermath of violence and advocating for every survivor to have their material, psychological, and social needs met. I poured my heart and soul into creating this. Creating it was an act of prayer for the world I want to live in.
The project required so much energy, focus, and commitment that now that it’s nearly over (one more small round of revisions on the last video!), my heart has new room to feel the depth of what it was all about—sharing stories that help us heal—sharing stories that help us show up for each other. Stories that help us create a world where survivors have the support they need to heal. Stories that help us re-imagine systems of harm and create social support systems that honor the sacredness of each person.
It has been a privilege and an honor to immerse myself in this work.